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We start with the mind, then we train the body.

To pursue any goal you have to be courageous. You have to give yourself the opportunity to win. It is critical that you are relentless in your approach and you must give maximum effort

This is C.O.R.E. Fitness.

No matter what your goal is, we got you.

Drop the Fat


Our weight loss program is designed for clients to lose weight, while maintaining muscle. Take the journey with us to gaining healthy weight and lean muscle.


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Slim to Swole


If your goal is to put on lean muscle. Our program includes a weight gain plan to up your calorie intake which will help you put on lean muscle naturally.


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Slim to Swole


Our goal is to put on lean muscle. Our program includes a weight gain plan to up your calorie intake and supplement naturally.


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You only have one life and one body. It's time to get into the best shape of your life.

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Real Results

Real Results: Testimonials

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Alex G.

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"I met Corey when I was training at Blink Fitness. From the first workout, I knew he was a good fit as far as having someone push me to my limits as well as someone I could relate to. 

I have seen a big difference in how I look, feel and most importantly my desire to keep improving and getting better each day since training with him. Corey has a routine I admire to wake up at 4am while having great energy. I highly recommend his program and methods."

"I have seen a big difference."

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